Monday, 31 October 2011

Halloween 2011

Halloween kind of snuck up on us this year. I must admit I wasn't quite prepared because of all of our travel in October. Good thing I took care of Owen's costume before we left on our trips! I must say it is one of my favorite Halloween costumes thus far (I know there have only been 3!).

We started the day off with a Halloween party at school. Owen loved wearing his costume and kept the hood up all day!

After I dropped Owen off at school I got Lucy into her costume and took her outside for her own personal photo shoot!  Love my little Tiger!  She hated the hood just as much as Owen did when he wore it last year.

I woke Owen up from his nap at 4:00 and he was in quite a mood....but the party started at 4:00 so we had to get moving.  It was already getting dark by 4:00....I am not going to like this dark at 3:30 business in London.  The party was great and Owen's little friends were all there in their costumes.

The elephant needed some goldfish before he embarked on his trick-or-treating!

The attempt at a group photo on the stairs.

Lucy's friend Tanner!

The only picture of Owen trick-or-treating, he only made it to four houses because he kept wanting to go into each house and run around.  He doesn't quite get the concept yet...maybe next year!

The only picture of the two of them together in their costumes. It is quite an accomplishment to get them both to sit at the same time.

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